Top 5 Wednesday on Saturday

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Top Five Wednesday was created by gingerreadslainey and is now hosted by Thoughts on Tomes! Visit the Goodreads group if you’re interested in joining! This week’s topic is:

December 28th – Characters You’d Invite to Your New Year’s Eve Party
Pretty self explanatory. Who would you want to your NYE bash and why?

I’m writing this on New Year’s Eve while watching Star Wars with the volume turned up so loud my neighbors can probably hear it. Why so loud? Because I have a terrified lab/pit mix puppy that cowers every time she hears someone celebrating with fireworks or gunfire. She is currently hiding under the bed so I could probably turn the volume down a little since she’s back in the bedroom but that would require finding the remote and who knows where it’s gotten to.

So it’s Saturday and not Wednesday but I’m sure you’ll all forgive me for going back and tackling an old topic.

My first guest would have to be Ramona Geraldine Qmag-article-largeuimby, from the Ramona books written by Beverly Cleary. I’ve wanted to meet her since I was a little girl. And from reading about her, she sure seems to know how to have fun! I think Ramona and I would have been great friends if we had grown up together. She has been one of my favorite fictional characters for close to 35 years. I used to imagine that we lived in the same neighborhood and could walk on coffee can stilts and play brick factory together. This would be grown up Ramona though, but I’m pretty sure she’s still just as fun as she was as a kid. (And while I’m on the subject, I’d totally invite Beverly Cleary to my NYE bash too even though she’s not fictional and she’s 100 years old.)

150710-1-1My second guest would be Stephanie Plum, from the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Stephanie has a great sense of humor, heavy on the sarcasm which I personally enjoy, so she’d probably be fun to hang out with. Plus she might bring Joe Morelli or Ranger with her as her date and you can never have to many hot guys at a party. (I guess, I haven’t actually been to a party in like 10 years.) And Janet Evanovich could come and hang out with Beverly Cleary. And let me just point out that while I did not particularly agree with Katherine Heigl being cast as Stephanie in the travesty that was One for the Money, this picture kind of does look like Stephanie in my head. Only her hair should be bigger. And there should be blue eye shadow or something. And definitely more eye liner.

fred_and_george_weasley_hbp_promo_2My third and fourth guests would be Fred and George Weasley, from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. (Don’t bother telling me Fred is dead; it’s my party, I’ll invite who I want to. Besides in my world Fred is still alive. I like to pretend the seventh book never happened.) Clearly the twins know how to liven things up and have a good time. In fact the whole Weasley clan can come, including Molly and Arthur. (They are the reason my Mollywobbles has her name after all.) But if Ginny brings Harry, he better not start whining about being an orphan or having to fight He Who Must Not Be Named, or whatever else he whines about all. the. time. It’s a party, ain’t nobody got time for that. (And it goes without saying that J.K. would be invited as well because, well, because she’s J.K. freaking Rowling.)


And for my fifth guest I’m going to cheat and invite Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter, from the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. Because really, you can’t invite one and not invite all of them. I’d have to invite them because they are the exact opposite of the weak we-need-a-prince-to-rescue-us princesses that Disney has given us pretty much forever. (until very recently) Granted they all fell in love and couldn’t have done what they all did without the help of Prince Kai, Carswell, Wolf, and whatever-his-name-was that loved Winter, but they are all still kick ass female characters. I’m sure we could talk them into telling us some great stories about their adventures and Carswell would definitely be fun at a party, though dealing with Prince Kai’s security detail might be a pain. (And of course Marissa Meyer is invited because I can’t invite all the other authors and not invite her! Besides I’d love to pick her brain about writing.)

So, that’s who I’d invite to my NYE bash. Now you must excuse me, I have a real bash to get ready for. And by that I mean, it’s time to put on my pajamas, put in The Empire Strikes Back dvd, and bake brownies. Happy New Year bookworms!